When will the Prophet Jesus (as) return?

The Time Of Prophet Jesus' (Pbuh) Second Coming

We have never destroyed a city without giving it prior warning as a reminder. We were never unjust. (Surat ash-Shu’ara’, 26:208-09)
Earlier, we examined the signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) second coming and saw that they appeared one after another, just as the hadiths and the Bible said they would. Their consecutive appearance led us to conclude that we are now living in the period when all people will witness God's good news. Apart from these signs, the explanations of our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) and great Islamic scholars provide us with certain dates.
As we will see in the following pages Islamic 1400s represent an extraordinary period when, by God's Will, great events will occur, such as the Mahdi's appearance, Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) second coming, the appearance of the Dajjal and his defeat by Prophet Jesus (pbuh), and people entering God's religion in droves.
In the following pages we will explain the related information one by one.
1. God sends a "Mujaddid" (Renovator of the Religion) Every Century
The Arabic word mujaddid means someone who "revives and renovates the religion." In his hadiths, our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) states that at the beginning of every century, God sends a blessed person from his lineage to explain the facts of the religion according to the necessities of the time.
God will raise for this community at the end of every hundred years the one who will renovate its religion for it. (Sunan Abu Dawud)
On this issue, the great Islamic scholar Imam Rabbani states the following:
At the head of each century, God sends a mujaddid among the ulama of this community who revives the Shariah. (Imam Rabbani)
About the same subject, Bediuzzaman said:
"In every century, God sends a mujaddid." (Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Risale-i Nur Collection, Barla Letters, 119)
Bediuzzaman states that the mujaddid of the twelfth century was Mevlana Halid. (Barla Letters, 120)
Say: “We believe in God and what has been sent down to us; what was sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacop, and the Tribes; what Moses and Jesus were given; and what all of the Prophets were given by their Lord. We do not differentiate between any of them. We are muslims submitted to Him.” (Surat al-Baqara, 2:136) If their faith is the same as yours, then they are guided. But if they turn away, they are entrenched in hostility. God will be enough for you against them. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. (Surat al-Baqara, 2:137)
In the Islamic 1300s, the Risale-i Nur (Bediuzzaman's collected works) served this purpose, as follows:
"Exactly after a century, the cures of the Risale-i Nur appear all around and serve to the very same purpose… With the meaning fortified by the clear expression of the hadith, it is our conviction that, in terms of reviving the religion, the Risale-i Nur is in the position of a mujaddid." (Barla Letters, 121)
Bediuzzaman gives the good news that the mujaddid of the 1400s will be the Mahdi:
"Now most of the situations among the Muslims that are opposed to the light of the Qur'an are the grave outcomes of those evil intents and the cruel covenants such as the Treaty of Sèvres. If the letter "mim" bearing the gemination mark is counted as one, like the letter "lam" bearing the gemination mark, it would be 1284 [Hijri]. The European unbelievers who aimed to extinguish the light of the State of Islam at that time provoked the Russians ten years later and curtained the bright light of the Islamic world with a temporary cloud by means of the Russia's gloomy War of 93 [1877-1878 The Ottoman-Russian War]. However, since these oppressions of cloud were dissolved by the disciples of Mevlana Halid-i Bagdadi and not by the disciples of Risale-i Nur, from this point of view this verse symbolically points to them.
It now occurs to mind that if each of the letters "mim" and "lam" bearing the gemination mark are counted as two, the people who will dissolve the oppressions a century later may be the disciples of the Mahdi." (Bediuzzaman, Risale-i Nur Collection, First Ray, p. 85)
As this explanation reveals, Bediuzzaman states that the cruelty found within the Islamic world can be removed only "one century later" by the Mahdi. He explained that during the Islamic 1400s, the works of the Mahdi will save people from great trouble and make them attain deliverance.
2. The Mahdi and Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will come in 2000s
And when Jesus came with the Clear Signs, he said: “I have come to you with Wisdom and to clarify for you some of the things about which you have differed. Therefore, be aware of God and obey me. God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. This is a straight path.” (Surat az-Zukhruf, 43:63-64)
Imam Rabbani states that the Mahdi will come 1,000 years after our Prophet's (may God bless him and grant him peace) death, within 2000s:
"It is expected that, after 1,000 years, this secret administration will be renovated. It will be granted with superiority... This way, genuine virtue will emerge and cover the degradation… And it is expected that the Mahdi, the supporter, will come. May God be pleased with him." (Imam Rabbani, Letters of Rabbani, vol. 1, p. 569)
The confirmation of the religious law, the renovation of people takes place in this second thousand. The just witnesses of the truthfulness of this cause are the existence of Prophet Jesus [pbuh] and Mahdi in this period (the second thousand years). (Imam Rabbani, Letters of Rabbani, vol. 1, p. 611)
Those among the nation of Allah's Messenger (may God bless him and grant him peace) are highly perfected in faith. It does not matter whether they are few in number, even a thousand years passes after the death of our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace). Their being perfected in faith serves to the following end: strenghtening the Islamic law in its true sense.
The coming of the Mahdi after 1,000 years serves this purpose. Our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace), the last Messenger, gave the glad tidings of his coming. Prophet Jesus (pbuh), on the other hand, will come down after 1,000 years. (Imam Rabbani, Letters of Rabbani, vol. 1, p. 440)
A little more than 1,000 years pass over the passing of God's Messenger (may God bless him and grant him peace) from this life, a time comes and the true Islam rises from its own ranks and unites with the truth of the Ka`bah. Then, on behalf of the true Islam, the name of truth of Ahmad emerges… From the two names comes a name into effect; and the place of true Islam is left unoccupied until the coming of Prophet Jesus [pbuh]. Ultimately, Prophet Jesus [pbuh] comes and performs his religious duties in conformity with the religious laws of Islam. Then, true Christianity rises from its own ranks and rules in the realms of true Islam. (Imam Rabbani, Letters of Rabbani, vol. 1, p. 470)
A thousand years after the death of our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace), people will enter the second millennium. According to Imam Rabbani, quoted above, the Mahdi and Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will come during that time.
Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti wrote that:
The life of this community will exceed 1,000 years, yet be limited to 1,500 years. (Muhammad ibn `Abd ar-Rasul Barzanji, Al-Isha`ah li Ashrat as-Sa`ah, p. 299)
Thus, as-Suyuti draws attention to Hijri 1000-1500, during which some glad tidings (e.g., the Mahdi's appearance, Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) second coming, and the prevalence of Islam's morality) will come true. We are now in the Islamic 1400s. Thus Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) return is very near. (God knows best)
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi also confirms this glad tiding and calls attention to the events that will take place until Hijri 1506:
"The first statement, with reference to 1500, indicates the last times of those who struggle for religion in the End Times; the second statement, with reference to 1506 calls attention to the date of the victorious struggle. (…) until this date (1506), it hints that it will, evidently and clearly, continue in a victorious manner." (Sikke-i Tasdik-i Gayb, p. 46)
3. Our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) Indicated That the Mahdi Will Come during the Islamic 1400s
In one of his hadiths, our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) draws attention to the significance of a new century's beginning, as follows:
Since the world came into existence, at the beginning of every century an important event occurred. At the beginning of one century, the Dajjal will emerge and Jesus [pbuh], the son of Mary will ascend and kill him. (Ibn Abi Hatem)
As the above hadith states, Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will appear at the beginning of the century. This aside, giving the date 1400, our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) made the date of this event clear. One of these hadiths is as follows:
People will gather around the Mahdi in 1400. (Risalat al-Khuruj al-Mahdi, p. 108)
In another hadith, the Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) said:
Count two or three decades after the decades of Hijri 1400. At that time, the Mahdi emerges… (Asmal Masalik Lieyyam Mahdiyy Maliki Li Kull-id Dunya Biemrillah-il Malik, Qalda bin Zayd, p. 216)
We made them leaders, guiding by Our command, and revealed to them how to do good actions, perform prayer, and give alms. And they worshipped Us. (Surat al-Anbiya’, 21:73)
As seen earlier, our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) has provided a lot information about the signs of the End Times, especially aboutwhat will happen before the Mahdi and Prophet Jesus (pbuh) come. The related hadiths transmitted from Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Umar ibn al-Khattab, and Hudhayfa, Ibn Ahmad Hanbal, and Muslim Abu Zayd ibn Amr ibn Ahtab al-Ansari are as follows:
"The Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace)… informed us about the events that will happen from then on, and he taught them to us and made us memorize them."(Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)
On this subject, Hudhayfa ibn al-Yaman said the following:
Hudhayfa reported: The Messenger of God took a stand among us in which he did not omit anything that will occur in that place of his up to the occurrence of the Hour without narrating it. Whose got it to memory remembered it, and whose did not remember it forgot it. These companions of mine learnt it, and there will occur something there from which I forgot. When it was shown to me I remembered it just as a man remembers the face of a man when he remains absent from him, and when afterwards he sees him, he remembers him. (Mishkat-ul-Masabih, vol.4, p.3)
Given that these eventstake place one after another and that they are currently continuing to occur means that we are living in the End Times. (God knows best.) Indeed, our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) reconfirms this by giving us the year Hijri 1400 as the date of the Mahdi's advent. This being the case, Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) second coming is, by God's Will, very close.
4. According to Bediuzzaman, the Mahdi Will Be on Duty during the Islamic 1400s
In his explanations, Bediuzzaman pointed to the beginning of the Islamic 1400s as the time of Mahdi's advent. In one of his explanations, Bediuzzaman relates that Mahdi will come 1,400 years after the Blessed Period.
"Why did the Companions of the Prophet with their vigilant hearts and keen sight, who had been taught all the details of the hereafter, suppose a fact that would occur one thousand four hundred years later to be close to their century, as though their ideas had deviated a thousand years from the truth?" (The Words, 'The Twenty-fourth Word: Third Branch)
As Bediuzzaman stated: "one thousand four hundred years later to be close to their century" is the beginning of the 1400s, that is, the years 1979-1980 (of the Gregorian calendar).
In his address to 10,000 people in a mosque in Damascus (Hijri 1327), Bediuzzaman explained the future of the Islamic world after Hijri 1371. In this address, he gave some dates about the End Times and called attention to the Mahdi's struggle. Bediuzzaman gives the following dates regarding Mahdi's taking up his task and defeating the disbelieving mentality ideologically:
The facts revealed in the address of Damascus that glance at the destiny of the Islamic world after the Hijri 1371… may be not now but 30-40 years later, in order to fully equip science and, knowledge acquired through arts, science and skills, the goodness of civilization and those three forces, and to overcome the nine obstacles, he sent inclination for investigating the truth, moderation and love for human beings to the fronts of those nine foes. By God's Will, he will demolish them after half a century. ("The Damascus Sermon," p. 25)
In this speech, Bediuzzaman draws attention to developments that will take place after Hijri 1371, and informs us that the Mahdi will launch his efforts 30-40 years after this date. This date is the period between Hijri 1401-11 (Gregorian calendar: 1980-90).
He is the Knower of the Unseen to anyone – except to a Messanger with whom he is well pleased, and then he Posts sentinels before him and behind him. (Surat al-jinn, 72:26-27)
In the latter part of his speech, Bediuzzaman said that the Mahdi will silence the ideology of disbelief via the benefits of science and civilization. The date of this ideological superiority will be half a century later: Hijri 1421. (Gregorian calendar: 2001)
"Maybe not now (1371), but 30-40 years later…"
By God's Will, he will demolish them after half a century.
1371 + 50 = 1421 (Gregorian calendar: 2001)
Bediuzzaman calls attention to Hijri 1400 as the beginning of Mahdi's ideological struggle against disbelieving philosophies. He further points out that between the years 1401-11 (1981-91), he will unite the benefits of science, skills, and the goodness of civilization to be used in his struggle, and discloses Hijri 1421 (Gregorian calendar: 2001) as the date when the Mahdi will ideologically destroy the disbelieving philosophies.
Another of his explanations related to the End Times is as follows:
"In [13]71, the Sun began to rise or will rise. Even if this is only the initial redness in the horizon, in 30-40 years the second enlightenment will appear." ("The Damascus Sermon," p. 23)
1371 + 30 = 1401 = 1981
1371 + 40 = 1411 = 1991
Bediuzzaman likens the rise of the Sun to the prevalence of Islam's moral values in the world. Just as the Sun rises again after it sets, he indicates that Islam's moral values also will rise and shine again. The expressions of "initial redness" and "second enlightenment" indicate the beginning years of this time.
Accordingly, he points to 1981-91 as the time when the Mahdi begins to disperse atheism and materialist philosophy, as well as the unjust ideologies that oppose the true religion. He also calls attention to 2001 as the year when these ideologies will be totally silenced and dispersed. (God knows best.)
In this period there are such prevalent movements so that may the expected person who is due to come after a century emerge… (Kastamonu Letters, p. 57)
In this statement, the phrase "the expected person who is due to come after a century" means that the Mahdi had not come yet in his time, that he had been awaited by Muslims, and that he is due to come after a century - in the Islamic 1400s.
For this We sent a Messenger to you from among you to recite Our Signs to you, purify you and teach you the Book and Wisdom, and teach you things you did not know before. (Surat al-Baqara, 2:151)
In his Risale-i Nur Collection, Bediuzzaman provided related evidence regarding the Mahdi's period of struggle and his dominance:
"They desire to extinguish God's Light with their mouths. But God refuses to do other than perfect His Light, even though the unbelievers detest it." (Surat at-Tawba, 9:32)
Writing about "But God refuses to do other than perfect His Light," Bediuzzaman makes the following comment:
"It now occurs to [my] mind that if each of the letters "mim" and "lam" bearing the gemination mark are counted as two, the people who will dissolve the oppressions a century later may be the disciples of the Mahdi." (First Ray, p. 85)
The abjad (numeration of the verse by alphabetical Arabic letters) is Hijri 1424 and 2004 (Gregorian calandar). Bediuzzaman points to the prevalence of Islamic morality in the Mahdi's leadership.
In the verse "But those who disbelieve have tagut as protectors" (Surat al-Baqara, 2:257), Bediuzzaman calls attention to the numeration of tagut (the ideology opposing the true religion) by alphabetical Arabic letters. This is 1417 (1997 Gregorian calendar), the date when tagut will experience a collapse within itself.
5. Other Information Related to the End Times from the Qur'an
The Qur'an, in which God's commands have been preserved intact, is a matchless Book sent by God to guide humanity in all aspects of life. One of its greatest miracles is that since its revelation, Muslims of all ages have witnessed that it addresses all of their needs and solves all of their problems, regardless of time and place.
Some verses, especially those relating the biographies of the prophets, point to the End Times. Very important secrets might be found in these verses when one ponders upon them, especially since God encourages us to pay attention to them, as follows:
We send the apostles only to give good news and to warn: so those who believe and mend (their lives),- upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
(Surat al- An'am: 48)
There is instruction in their stories for people of intelligence. This is not a narration that has been invented, but a confirmation of all that came before, a clarification of everything, and a guidance and a mercy for people who believe. (Surah Yusuf, 12:111)
Many verses of the Qur'an may have more than one meaning. They contain signs informing us of events that took place in our Prophet's (may God bless him and grant him peace) time, and indicate events that will take place in the End Times. The struggle carried out by the Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) and his Companions, as well as their just practices and lives, also provide invaluable recommendations. Each verse abounds with multiple meanings for those who read with attention, for they contain all of the information that the people need.
In one verse, God draws attention to this feature: "We have sent down the Book to you making all things clear and as guidance and mercy and good news for the Muslims" (Surat an-Nahl, 16:89). In many other verses, God recommends that we ponder over the examples related in the Qur'an and learn from them, as follows:
We have given throughout this Qur'an all kinds of examples for people, but most people spurn anything but unbelief. (Surat al-Isra', 17:89)
We have given all kinds of examples to people in this Qur'an, so that hopefully they will pay heed. (Surat az-Zumar, 39:27)
The prevalence of Islamic morality is one of the most important signs of the End Times.
In the previous sections, we dwelled upon the evidence from the Qur'an related to Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) second coming. Apart from this obvious evidence, many Qur'anic verses point to the End Times, the Mahdi, and the prevalence of the Qur'an's morality. For example:
God has promised those of you who believe and do right actions that He will make them successors in the land, as He made those before them successors; and will firmly establish for them their religion with which He is pleased; and give them, in place of their fear, security. "They worship Me, not associating anything with Me." Any who disbelieve after that, such people are deviators. (Surat an-Nur, 24:55)
Our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) also reveals that some Qur'anic verses point to the End Times:
The Mahdi, just as Dhu'l-Qarnayn and Solomon, will rule the world. (Ibn Hajar Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Aalamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 29)
This hadith advises us to examine the stories of Dhu'l-Qarnayn and Prophet Solomon (pbuh) in relation to the Mahdi.
Those who reject (Truth), among the People of the Book and among the Polytheists, were not going to depart (from their ways) until there should come to them Clear Evidence,- An apostle from Allah, rehearsing scriptures kept pure and holy:(Surat al- Bayyina: 1-2)
In the hadiths below, our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) relates that the stories of the Companions of the Cave and Saul hold very important signs for the End Times. That our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) related his hadiths about the End Times and the Mahdi, especially by relating them to the stories of the Qur'an, is a strong evidence for this subject. Our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) said:
"The Companions of the Cave will be the Mahdi's helpers." (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi `Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 59)
"The number of the Mahdi's helpers will be as many as the number of those who crossed the river with Saul." (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi `Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 57)
When examined from this perspective, we find many verses indicating a period when Islam's morality will pervade worldwide. (For further information on this subject, please refer to Harun Yahya, The End Times and the Mahdi, Khatoons, 2003) Apart from the signs related in the verses, there are also signs related to their dates.
These dates are determined by various calculation methods, the foremost of which is the numeration of verses by alphabetical Arabic letters (abjad). This method is very ancient and predates the Qur'anic revelation. Since ancient times, all events have been recorded in letters with numerical values. These dates are the sum of each letter employed while recording that event.
Some Islamic scholars of the past estimated the date of many future events through this method. Today, when looking at some Qur'anic verses, we see that the meaning conveyed match with certain dates. When we see that those events actually occurred on the calculated dates, we understand that the verses in question may conceal a hidden meaning about that event. (God knows best.)
In the next pages, we will provide abjad of the related part of some verses. When we look at their meanings, we will recognize that they hold significant signs relating to certain dates.
There is not one of the People of the Book who will not believe in him before he dies; and on the Day of Rising, he will be a witness against them. (Surat an-Nisa', 4:159)
"There is not one of the People of the Book who will not believe in him before he dies"
Hijri: 1439 Gregorian: 2017
The above verse relates that before Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) death, all of the People of the Book will believe in him. At the beginning of the website, we discussed that this event will take place in the End Times, when Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will return to Earth. The abjad value of the particular part of the verse above gives the date 2017. It is possible that this numerical value gives the date of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) return or the time when he will be present on Earth. (God knows best.) Similarly, the abjad values below probably give the dates when Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will be on Earth.
He [Jesus] is a Sign of the Hour. Have no doubt about it. But follow me. This is a straight path. (Surat az-Zukhruf, 43:61)
"He [Prophet Jesus (pbuh)] is a Sign of the Hour. Have no doubt about it."
Hijri: 1440 Gregorian: 2018
"Or are you astonished that a reminder should come to you from your Lord by way of a man among you, to warn you and make you guard against evil so that hopefully you will gain mercy?" (Surat al-A`raf, 7:63)
"a man among you, to warn you"
Hijri: 1433 Gregorian: 2011
These abjad-derived dates indicate almost the same period. As we have related throghout this website, these dates belong to the period in which all of these End Time signs proclaimed by our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) occurred one after another. Considering the facts revealed in these verses, we may well think that our Lord heralds some signs related to the events that will happen in the Hereafter.
God calls to the Abode of Peace, and He guides whom He wills to a straight path. (Surah Yunus, 10:25)
"He guides whom He wills to a straight path"
Hijri: 1422 Gregorian: 2001
Their Prophet said to them: "God has appointed Saul to be your king." They said: "How can he have kingship over us when we have much more right to kingship than he does? He has not even got much wealth!" He said: "God has chosen him over you and favored him greatly in knowledge and physical strength. God gives kingship to anyone He wills. God is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing." (Surat al-Baqara, 2:247)
"God has appointed Saul to be your king"
Hijri: 1420 Gregorian: 1999
God showed great kindness to the believers when He sent a Messenger to them from among themselves to recite His Signs to them, and purify them, and teach them the Book and Wisdom, even though before that they were clearly misguided. (Surah Al `Imran, 3:164)
"before that they were clearly misguided"
Hijri: 1434 Gregorian: 2012
It is He Who raised up among the unlettered people a Messenger from them to recite His Signs to them, and purify them and teach them the Book and Wisdom, even though before that they were clearly misguided. (Surat al-Jumu`a, 62:2)
"even though before that they were clearly misguided."
Hijri: 1434 Gregorian: 2012
O Children of Adam! If Messengers come to you from among yourselves, recounting My Signs to you, those who guard against evil and put things right will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (Surat al-A’raf, 7:35)
It is He Who sent His Messenger with guidance and the Religion of Truth to exalt it over every other religion, though the idolaters hate it. (Surat as-Saff, 61:9)
"to exalt it over every other religion"
Hijri: 1410 Gregorian: 1989
God is the Light of the Heavens and Earth. The metaphor of His Light is that of a niche in which is a lamp, the lamp inside a glass, the glass like a brilliant star, lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east nor of the west, its oil all but giving off light even if no fire touches it. Light upon Light. God guides to His Light whoever He wills, and God makes metaphors for mankind, and God has knowledge of all things. (Surat an-Nur, 24:35)
"Light upon Light. God guides to His Light whoever He wills"
Hijri: 1410 Gregorian: 1989
God has promised those of you who believe and do right actions that He will make them successors in the land, as He made those before them successors; will firmly establish for them their religion, with which He is pleased; and give them, in place of their fear, security. "They worship Me, not associating anything with Me." Any who disbelieve after that, such people are deviators. (Surat an-Nur, 24:55)
"those of you who… do right actions that He will make them successors in the land"
Hijri: 1434 Gregorian: 2013

As we related earlier, it is possible that this verse indicates a time when the Qur'an's morality will prevail worldwide in the End Times. That the abjad value of a related part of this same verse gives a similar date can be considered a good news that this promise of God is close.
Moses said to his people: "Seek help in God and be steadfast. Earth belongs to God. He bequeaths it to any of His servants He wills. The successful outcome is for those who guard against evil." (Surat al-A`raf, 7:128)
"Moses said to his people: 'Seek help in God and be steadfast.'"
Hijri: 1400 Gregorian: 1979
O you who believe! Obey God and obey the Messenger and those in command among you. If you have a dispute about something, refer it back to God and the Messenger, if you believe in God and the Last Day. That is the best thing to do and gives the best result. (Surat an-Nisa', 4:59)
"O you who believe! Obey God and obey the Messenger and those in command among you"
Hijri: 1405 Gregorian: 1985
[People of intelligence are] those who are steadfast in seeking the face of their Lord, and perform prayer, and give from the provision We have given them, secretly and openly, and stave off evil with good. It is they who will have the Ultimate Abode. (Surat ar-Ra`d, 13:22)
"perform prayer and give from the provision We have given them"
Hijri: 1429 Gregorian: 2008
Your Lord will soon give to you, and you will be satisfied. (Surat ad-Duha, 93:5)
"Your Lord will soon give to you, and you will be satisfied."
Hijri: 1427 Gregorian: 2007
Those who recite the Book of God and perform prayer and give of what We have provided for them, secretly and openly, hope for a transaction that will not prove profitless. (Surah Fatir, 35:29)
"perform prayer and give of what We have provided for them"
Hijri: 1429 Gregorian: 2008
We placed between them and the cities We had blessed other clearly conspicuous cities, making them measured stages on the way: "Travel between them in safety by night and day." (Surat as-Saba', 34:18)
"making them measured stages on the way: 'Travel between them in safety by night and day."
Hijri: 1422 Gregorian: 2001
That is your reward. God always confounds the schemes of the disbelievers. (Surat al-Anfal, 8:18)
"That is your reward. God always confounds the schemes of the disbelievers.'"
Hijri: 1440 Gregorian: 2018
Know that the Messenger of God is among you. If he were to obey you in many things, you would suffer for it. However, God has given you love of faith and made it pleasing to your hearts, and has made disbelief, deviance, and disobedience hateful to you. People such as these are rightly guided. (Surat al-Hujurat, 49:7)
"However, God has given you love of faith and made it pleasing to your hearts, and has made disbelief, deviance, and disobedience hateful to you."
Hijri: 1408 Gregorian: 1988
"Accordingly your Lord will pick you out and teach you the true meaning of events and perfectly fulfill His blessing on you, as well as on the family of Jacob, as He fulfilled it perfectly before upon your forebears, Abraham and Isaac. Most certainly your Lord is Knowing, Wise." (Surah Yusuf, 12:6)
"Accordingly your Lord will pick you out"
Hijri: 1443, Gregorian: 2021 (without shadda)
It is He Who sent His Messenger with guidance and the Religion of Truth to exalt it over every other religion, even though the idolaters detest it. (Surat at-Tawba, 9:33)
"It is He Who sent His Messenger with guidance"
Hijri: 1426 Gregorian: 2005
And thus We established Joseph in the land so he could live in any place he pleased. We grant Our grace to anyone We will, and We do not allow to go to waste the wage of any people who do good. (Surah Yusuf, 12:56)
"We give established power to Joseph in the land"
Hijri: 1419 Gregorian: 1998 (without shadda)
Solomon's troops, made up of jinn and men and birds, were assembled for him, paraded in tight ranks. (Surat an-Naml, 27:17)
"Solomon's troops, made up of jinn and men and birds, were assembled for him"
Hijri: 1433 Gregorian: 2011 (with shadda)
We gave him [Dhu'l-Qarnayn] power and authority on Earth, and granted him a way to everything. (Surat al-Kahf, 18:84)
"We gave him power and authority on Earth"
Hijri: 1440 Gregorian: 2018 (with shadda)
[Abraham said:] "Our Lord, raise up among them a Messenger from them to recite Your Signs to them, and teach them the Book and Wisdom, and purify them. You are the Almighty, the All-Wise." (Surat al-Baqara, 2:129)
"raise up among them a Messenger"
Hijri: 1400 Gregorian: 1979
So do not obey the disbelievers, but use this [the Qur'an] to battle against them with all your might. (Surat al-Furqan, 25:52)
"So do not obey the disbelievers, but use this to battle against them with all your might."
Hijri: 1400 Gregorian: 1979 (Tanwin signs are also counted)
And other things you love: support from God and imminent victory. Give good news to the believers! (Surat as-Saff, 61:13)
"And other things you love: support from God and imminent victory."
Hijri: 1402 Gregorian: 1981 (Tanwin signs are also counted)
These verses indicate the importance of opposing all ideologies of unbelief and of our Lord's help to His true servants during this struggle. The dates revealed by the abjad calculations, on the other hand, may be a sign for the beginning of this ideological struggle. Indeed, that the beginning date of the events related so far as being among the signs of the Hereafter is Hijri 1400, strengthens the possibility of such a sign's existence. In the verse below, there may be a sign for a period when Muslims live in difficulty. Earlier, we discussed the suffering endured by countless people up to and during the 1980s and the world's chaotic situation. We also gave the good news that this painful period is the first stage of the End Times, Prophet Jesus's (pbuh) return will end this period, and that the Golden Age, a period of peace, happiness, bounty, and beauty will replace it.
Remember when We rescued you from the people of Pharaoh. They were inflicting an evil punishment on you - slaughtering your sons and letting your women live. In that was a terrible trial for you from your Lord. (Surat al-Baqara, 2:49)
"In that was a terrible trial for you from your Lord."
Hijri: 1406 Gregorian: 1985

The Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) will perform the prayer together

Adnan Oktar tells: ''The prophet Jesus (as)

Adnan Oktar tells: ''The prophet Jesus (as) (2)

Documentary - Jesus (as) will return